
Spline AI

Generate 3D design prompt.


Spline AI Capabilities Spline AI is a cutting-edge 3D design tool that leverages the power of AI to simplify and enhance the creative process. With Spline AI, users can easily create 3D objects, animations, and textures by providing AI prompts that describe their desired designs. **Main Features:** 1. **AI-driven design:** Generate 3D objects and scenes by describing the design using AI prompts. 2. **AI Texture:** Use text prompts to create seamless textures for objects. 3. **Real-time Collaboration:** Collaborate with teammates in real-time to enhance teamwork and design iteration. 4. **Object modification and material application:** Modify objects, apply materials, and experiment with lighting. 5. **Community and Resources:** Access tutorials, samples, and customer support to enhance user experience. **Use Case:** * Designers looking for a simplified and efficient way to create 3D objects and scenes. * Creative professionals who want to integrate AI technology into their 3D design workflow. * Teams collaborating on 3D design projects benefit from real-time collaboration capabilities. * Designers explore new and innovative ways to generate textures for their 3D designs. * Individuals interested in pushing the boundaries of the creative process using AI-driven design tools. Spline AI is an advanced 3D design tool that harnesses the power of AI to enable designers to create stunning 3D objects, animations and textures.

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