

Image to 3D animation


LeiaPix Features **LeiaPix** Converter is a free image processing tool that allows users to convert 2D images into stunning 3D light field images. It provides Leia image format, side-by-side 3D, depth maps and light field animation. A LeiaLogin account is required to access LeiaPix Converter. **Key Features:** * **2D to 3D Conversion:** Convert regular 2D images into immersive 3D light field images. * **Export options:** Export transformations in Leia image format, side-by-side 3D, depth map or light field animation. * **Seamless conversion process:** Convert images instantly without complicated setup or lengthy processing time. * **LeiaLogin Account:** Access LeiaPix Converter by creating a LeiaLogin account for secure and personalized use. **USE CASE:** * Photographers and visual artists looking to add depth and interactivity to their images. * Content creators and designers looking to enhance their presentations and visual materials with captivating 3D effects. * Individuals interested in exploring the possibilities of 3D light field technology in personal or artistic projects. * Professionals in advertising, marketing and e-commerce work to create more engaging and interactive visual content. **LeiaPix Converter** opens up new creative possibilities by converting 2D images into stunning 3D light field representations.

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