

Prompt word plug-in specifically serving Chinese AI designers


What is AIPrompter?

AIPrompter official website

AIPrompter is an AI painting prompt assistant that can be applied to Stable Difussion, Midjourney, ComfyUI, Fooocus, and other platforms.

Compared with the teleprompters that come with AI plug-ins on the market, AIprompter can provide more dimensional choices and comes with more than a hundred prompts.


Comes with prompt word directory

Character: object, identity, two-dimensional image, age, skin, body shape, hair, face, ears, eyebrows, eyes, pupils, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, nails, shoulders, chest, waist, abdomen, wings. Clothing: Outfit Design, Formal Wear, Style, Casual Wear, Sportswear, Swimwear, Uniform, Top, Jacket, Waist, Armor, Skirt, Interact with Skirt, Pants, Interact with Pants, Socks, Interact with Socks, Material, Decoration, Patterns, shoes, students, soles, collars, scarves, glasses, masks, arms, hands, gloves, earrings, headdresses, hats, hair accessories, small decorations, jewelry. Expressions and movements: laughing, crying, unhappy, contempt, anger, other expressions, basic movements, hand movements (holding something) (putting something somewhere) (grabbing something), leg movements, other action pictures: Image quality, art style, art type, art school, artist style, lighting, realism, sketch, brush, color, background. Environment: seasons, weather, nature, water, sky, clouds, atmosphere. Scene: Outdoor, City, Indoor, Floor, Furniture, Bedding, Bathroom. Items: school supplies, digital equipment, tableware, musical instruments, other items, weapons, food, animals, plants Shots: shots, close-ups, other compositions, camera angles, effects, protagonist actions. Negative reminder words for magic

Each subcategory also includes numerous prompt words, which basically cover most dimensions and elements of AI drawing, giving designers ample creative space and truly expanding their imagination.

AIPrompter is an AI teleprompter assistant that can help you translate


Enter the Chinese description in the search bar and press (Alt+w) to automatically translate it into English.

The large vocabulary of the thesaurus solves the problem of designers switching back and forth between AI plug-ins and translation software, allowing designers to focus more on their design work and imagination.

AIPrompter is an AI painting plug-in that can perform prompt word association.


According to the keywords or phrases entered in the input box, AIPrompter can intelligently associate and match to recommend prompt words, inspiring designers' thinking and lighting up their inspiration.

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